How to Make a Buy Sell Marketplace Ads Listing Website like offerup

How to Make a Buy Sell Marketplace Ads Listing Website like offerup

Building a classified listing website like offer up has many challenges to be faced. You need to be more alert about technological advancement, how to reach a wide range of audiences, and also how to give a perfect shopping experience to customers. Classified ad listing websites have greater reach in recent days and every entrepreneur started searching for how to build a website like offerup. This process doesn’t require any special coding knowledge as you can easily build your own C2C e-Marketplace platform. Today there are several C2C Marketplaces that are available on the digital floor. Out of all those platforms, offer up stands ahead in the market. Now let us first analyze how to offer up works before we think about how to create a website like Offerup.

How OFFERUP works?

OFFER is a reliable buy and sells marketplace platform that supports a parallel system for customers. Users who want to become sellers can register themselves and can upload the product image, give descriptions and prices, and will get buyers to buy those products. Likewise, users who want to buy products will visit this C2C marketplace portal and will search through the listing, and will find the product they want to buy. If satisfied with the price and quality they can buy through the portal.

In this C2C marketplace platform, the seller and the buyer will have the complete communication that is essential for their negotiation; they will also discuss the payment terms, shipping, and delivery process. The admin of OFFERUP will not interfere in any of the processes mentioned before.

How does OFFERUP make money?

Unlike other marketplace platforms, OFFERUP doesn’t work as an intermediary for seller products. So revenue cannot be generated on each sale the seller makes through this C2C marketplace platform. The prime earnings are driven mainly through Google Ads, sponsored links, and listings.

Google Ads

  • Google Ads – Google ads generate the major revenue for the OFFERUP platform. All advertisement partners who are connected with OFFERUP and linked with Google. This generates huge traffic to this C2C marketplace platform and thus produces more revenue. The budget spent is calculated through Cost per click (CPC) and Cost per view.

  • Sponsored links and features – whenever a seller adds a product to the portal, the product will be displayed in the last position and many users will not be able to see the product as they will select the one that is listed in the top place. So sellers pay to the OFFERUP platform and will get their ads posted in the top position. This will be a benefit for both the seller and OFFERUP marketplace.

Salient features and functionalities of OFFERUP- C2C marketplace platform

Before finding ways on how to build a website like OFFERUP, it is very essential to analyze the key features that support the growth of the OFFERUP platform. Let us get into detail about the inspiring features of OFFERUP.

  • Best user interfaceThe user-friendly interface allows the user to access the portal in a better way. The platform white PC navigation will lead to you sir stop and find the product easily when a platform has a better interface then it can acquire more customers.
  • Higher privacy protection users who are registered with the OFFERUP C2C Marketplace platform need to provide their real mobile numbers. In this case, OFFERUP is much concerned about the privacy of the user and secures them with phone number masking technology that will hide your numbers to anonymous people. None of your personal data will be shared with others without your consent.
  • Exclusive mobile appOFFERUP is available not only as a web portal but also as a mobile application. You can download the app in the play store or app store and can make use of the mobile app with more convenience.
  • Classified performance report Using accurate metric OFFERUP portal allows users to analyze their performance easily. The user will get a clear picture of the product that is in high demand and they can keep enough stock to avoid out-of-stock issues.
  • Guide for publishing perfect ads if you are new to the OFFERUP platform, then you can make use of the guide that OFFERUP provides to support its users in posting their ads effectively. The guide will explain how a posting should be. It should contain a headline, a description in detail, and contact details. Also, OFFERUP helps you to post an SEO-friendly ad that gets featured in the top position on search.
  • Rating and review option this is one of the influential features that are considered to be a mandatory one for any C2C marketplace platform. This feature impacts the decision of buyers and sellers. To improve the platform authenticity and to boost sales it is very essential to gain positive reviews for your marketplace.
  • Attractive content management the content in the OFFERUP platform is completely user-friendly and easily understandable by users. It grabs the attention of buyers and sellers and supports generating huge traffic to the marketplace.
  • Social signup-login usually a new user needs to fill a tedious registration form to become a member of the portal but OFFERUP allows users to use their social media credentials to log in to the site. This is simple and easy for new users.
  • Push notification OFFERUP keeps its users engaged through push notification features. The admin will send frequent alerts to sellers and buyers regarding the latest arrivals and offers. Also, the seller will receive information whenever an order is placed by a buyer and the buyer will get information regarding the acceptance of the order by the seller.
  • Multiple payment gateways this is a must-have feature for any C2C marketplace platform. OFFERUP supports this feature and facilitates users to make quick decisions on buying products as they are familiar with the payment gateways that are integrated with the platform.


Now it is clear what are the key elements that support the smooth functioning of the offerup platform. When you think about how to make an app like offerup make sure that you integrate all the above-mentioned features in your C2C marketplace platform.