A Comprehensive Guide To Trigger Shot Given During IVF & IUI Treatment

A Comprehensive Guide To Trigger Shot Given During IVF & IUI Treatment

The IUI and IVF are the subsets of assisted reproductive technology (ART) and used to address infertility. This treatment is a boon for couples who are trying hard but are unable to become parents. The trigger shots are part of the fertility treatment that ivf specialists give to boost fertility. If you are taking an infertility treatment and your doctor suggested you take a trigger shot, you should know everything about it. Let us discuss them in detail.

The trigger shot is also known as Ovidrel, Pregnyl, and Novarel and contains HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). It is a pregnancy hormone that increases your fertility by stimulating egg maturation. Simply put, the trigger shot finalizes the maturation of the fertile egg. In natural processes, estrogen hormone is automatically released by the female’s body, whose ovaries can produce the egg without any external assistance. This hormone gives signals to the pituitary gland of the brain about the development of the egg. When the egg gets mature (grows above 18mm), the pituitary gland urges the LH and FSH surge. This is also known as a natural trigger.

Now talking about artificial triggers, the HCG hormone possesses similar properties as LH hormone and is given to women undergoing fertility treatment. The effect of HCG lasts for 7 to 10 days, and it matures the follicles effectively, which results in high fertility. Moreover, it helps in efficiently releasing the natural progesterone hormone. The Process of injecting HCG hormone is called Gonadotropin therapy. It is a very old procedure but got more popularity in the last 30 years. Nowadays, some ivf-specialists in Chandigarh also use Lupron trigger shot in lieu of HCG to accelerate egg maturation. However, it is suggested in extremely sensitive cases.

The trigger shot is injected during the IUI and IVF treatments.


In Intrauterine insemination, the doctor identifies your ovulation days by inspecting the ovarian follicles. Then they ask you to take a trigger shot at that time. Also, you need to have sex after few hours of the injection.


The trigger shots are injected to the person undergoing IVF treatment to ease the meiosis process. It is given around the time when the ovaries are going to release the egg. Meiosis is a simple cell division process during which chromosomes cells are reduced. The fertility specialists collect the mature egg artificially and fertilize them in the lab. Then the fertilized egg is placed back in the uterus.

Who Needs Trigger Shot?

People experiencing infertility problems require artificial trigger shots. It is given to the following females -:

  • To those whose ovaries are dysfunctional and are not able to release eggs naturally.
  • To those who are experiencing inexplicable infertility issues
  • To those who are taking IUI and IVF treatments.

The trigger injections are also used to assist Clomid and Gonadotropins.

How Is Trigger Shot Given?

The healthcare provider fills the syringe with HCG drugs and removes the air bubbles. Then they wipe the area near the belly and insert it under the skin at a 45 or 90-degree angle and push the plunger. It is important to note that trigger shot can also be injected into the shoulder muscles, but most females prefer to take trigger shot near the belly area.

Many people have a myth that trigger shot is very painful. However, it is not true. You will have a pinching sensation while it is injected. But, yes, you may feel minute pelvic pain, bloating, vomiting, nausea, etc. after injecting HCG

If you miss a trigger shot for any reason, it is important to seek the help of your infertility or without wasting a minute. The clinicians can give you the best suggestion in this situation. You might not know that it is impossible to get the egg once the ovary has released it. So, please don’t take it lightly at all.

Wrapping Up-:

Being a parent is the dream of every couple. If taken properly, the trigger injections can increase the odds of pregnancy. So, what are you waiting for? Go and get your dose today!