How to Spot an inexpensive logo design from sites like Fiverr or 99Designs?

How to Spot an inexpensive logo design from sites like Fiverr or 99Designs?

It’s way easier to spot an inexpensive logo design than you think. Consumers these days are growing cautious about where they spend their money, and the logos of brands they’re interested in have an influential role in the final decision.

Your logo is the front of your business; you’d expect it to look as good as possible, right?

Images are processed faster than words by our brains; to put things into context, 60 thousand times faster. It is essential to get more customers that your logo looks exquisite and eye-catching.

The best way to fully utilize your logo is to follow the science behind behavioral psychology and why humans do what they do. This way you’ll leave a good impression on your spectators and increase your chances of getting more customers.

Let’s look into the signs of an inexpensive and inadequate logo. If your logo complies with these below-mentioned points, it’s time for a revamp.

There’s too much going on.

Logos are meant to convey a brand image. Logos with too much going on don’t communicate with the audience as effectively as they should. You might ask, where do you draw the line between a good logo and an inadequate one? The answer’s pretty simple. A complicated logo consists of an assemblage of clashing colors, unrelated images, artful fonts, or unnecessary repetitive elements.

Graphic Design

The logo is static.

One of the most unfavorable and expected signs of poor logo design is an ineptitude of versatility.

In today’s world of branding, the capacity for a logo to scale and appear engaging across different mediums is quintessential.

Versatility in a logo aims to look the same across all digital devices, print advertising, and even signboards. Many small business owners aren’t aware of this.

It’s hard to remember.

The best logos tell a story. They’re generally unique and represent the brand effectively. The fittest logos in the world communicate the complete brand in one single look. Although it’s not an easy task getting a logo like that made, it’s sure to impact your brand if carried out correctly. A logo that is easy to remember stays in your audience’s minds for longer, hence increasing the chances of them buying from you.

The best way to make a memorable logo is by communicating your business’s journey inside of it. If your logo design follows the usual branding trends, you’re not communicating your individual value proposition.

It doesn’t represent the brand the way it should.

Balance, Proximity, Alignment, Repetition, Contrast, Space are the fundamental principles of graphic design. A logo should be in harmony with all these principles and an appropriate color to represent a brand effectively.

Suppose one of these factors is drastically erring or neglected. In that case, your message will be overshadowed by the poor design of the logo.

Professional logo design always regards color theory, which is the science of how people understand different color combinations.

  • Red: Importance, danger, anger, and passion
  • Orange: Energy, health, and vitality
  • Yellow: Energy, hope, and cowardice
  • Green: Abundance, growth, money, and new beginnings
  • Blue: Responsibility, calmness, sadness
  • Purple: Creativity, imagination, and royalty
  • Black: Power, elegance, mystery, and formality
  • White: Purity and cleanliness

Your logo’s primary and secondary colors should represent who you are as a brand. Unsuitable color choices can be a sign of inexpensive logo design by amateur designers on Fiverr or 99Designs.